oeuvres picturales / PICTURAL ARTWORKS
Dans les pages suivantes vous sont présentés des oeuvres originales sur toile et sur papier. Les oeuvres sont regroupées par décennies. S'y ajoute les sections ESTAMPES NUMÉRIQUES, MOTIFS DE TAPIS, ILLUSTRATIONS, SCULPTURES et ANIMATIONS NUMÉRIQUES. Si vous êtes intéressé à l'achat d'une oeuvre, veuillez consulter la section contact.
In the following pages you will find original works on canvas and on paper. The works are grouped by decades. There are also ART PRINTS, CARPET DESIGNS, ILLUSTRATIONS, SCULPTURES and DIGITAL ANIMATIONS. If you are interested in buying an artwork, please go to the contact section.
In the following pages you will find original works on canvas and on paper. The works are grouped by decades. There are also ART PRINTS, CARPET DESIGNS, ILLUSTRATIONS, SCULPTURES and DIGITAL ANIMATIONS. If you are interested in buying an artwork, please go to the contact section.